Copyright 2nd Thornbury Scout Group
The Cub Scout Pack
Your child is joining a Cub Scout Pack. The Cub Scout Leader runs the Pack with a team of assistants / helpers who all give their time freely and have had training to help them do an effective job. The Leaders are responsible for planning and running the programme of games and activities for Pack Meetings and special outings and other events.
Cub Scouting, by tradition, has adapted some ideas from Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book". You will find that some of the Leaders are known to the youngsters by the names of the animals in this book. The Cub Scouts call the Leader Akela and the Assistant Cub Scout Leader is known as Bagheera.
The youngsters work in small groups called Sixes which is led by an older Cub Scout called a Sixer.
The Pack has simple ceremonies, one of which is the Investiture to which you will be invited, when your own youngster will be asked to make a promise.